GLOBAL EARTH TEK - A Natural Fungicide


  • Reduces water loss through transpiration and evaporation
  • Reduces irrigation requirements in turf, crops, and ornamentals.
  • Encapsulates nutrients – preventing nutrients from leaching into groundwater.
  • Builds resistance to disease in plants.
  • Increases shelf life of harvested crops.
  • Reduces groundwater toxicity, chelating toxins to prevent leaching.
  • Reduces cOD in groundwater and stormwater.
  • Encourages deeper more massive root systems.
  • Provides leaf surface protection from spores and insects.
  • Helps build plant's own natural defenses.
  • Helps all plants endure stressful conditions such as drought.
  • Is considered safe for humans, animals and the environment.
  • Meets all standards of the National Organic Program.